What I Listened to Today: 2024-09-11

  1. Morte Macabre

    Prog interpretation of various Euro horror movies songs along with two originals. Fantastic.

  2. Ministry goes Slayer.

  3. No clue what Tom Hulkenborg's Junkie XL persona sounds like but I love his Mad Max scores.

  4. Blondie

    I've got Eat to the Beat on the way so I put this on.

  5. Torche

    Pop metal conjures up thoughts of Bon Jovi and Poison. Torche are more like if you crossed sludge metal with Guided By Voices. Easily a post-2000. top 10 album.

  6. Mastodon

    18th anniversary of release.

  7. 41st anniversary of release. Last X album I own, the least of them too, Still has some high points.

What I Listened to Today: 2024-09-11 is an album list curated by David Kaz.

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