Everything Was Beautiful by Spiritualized

Everything Was Beautiful

by Spiritualized

This album has been added to 3 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from Albums I have listened to - 2023 list

    Albums I have listened to - 2023

    Pete Brown

    I really liked Ladies & Gentlemen… back when it came out and for some years after. I grew less fond of the band’s subsequent releases, finding that they sounded to me like they were just piling more and more stuff on top of what was already there. This album still has a bit of that quality, but I am liking it more than anything else Spiritualized has done in quite a while. I will admit, however, to finding myself thinking more than once while listening “This is all just about heroin, isn’t it?”

  • Montage of album covers from Best of 2022 list
  • Montage of album covers from Favourite albums of 2022 list

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