Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night by Stereolab

Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night

by Stereolab

This album has been added to 2 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from CORB'S TOP FIVE OF ALL TIME list


    Corbin Sharer

    Jerry Hsu's part in Osiris' The Storm video included a Stereo Lab backing track. I had no idea who they were but I loved the part, loved Jerry, and really dug the song. So, as a member of Columbia Music House at the time I ordered the most recent album from the obscure-to-Northeast-NE French band and when I received it became pissed to find that the song from the video was not on this album (the song is Outer Accelerator).

    A few more listens revealed to me what an incredible group of musicians it was that I had discovered, and a timeless album that I still play (on vinyl, of course) late on Friday evenings after my wife goes to bed, listening wistfully with a tepid, watery old fashioned in my hand.

  • Sørensen: Shine You No More by Danish String Quartet, Rune Tonsgaard Sorensen Bag of Holding by The Cradle Stuntman by 24-7 Spyz Burned by 24-7 Spyz

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