Seal by Seal


by Seal

This album has been added to 3 public lists:

  • Gyatso by 16-17 Tribute to a Bus by 18th Dye Jar Of Flies by Alice In Chains Depth Five Rate Six by Aminiature
  • Lead Me On by Amy Grant Beyond Belief by Petra Jars Of Clay by Jars Of Clay Upbeats & Beatdowns by Five Iron Frenzy

    20 Albums That Influenced Me

    Buffy Leigh

    Bonus #2: This album represents my crowdsourced playlist experiment. I usually keep up with new stuff and work on an AOTY list all year. But this year (2024), I've essentially just been listening to recs from the Fediverse, catching up on what I've missed. Not only have I found tons of new-to-me faves, but I've realized I had a lot of dumb preconceptions. So, thanks to the Fediverse, I now know I love Seal! And NIN! And Gary Numan! And and and...

  • Montage of album covers from Spring 2023 list

    Spring 2023

    Greg Moore

    Many convention-breaking details have kept this album elevated past the decade it was created in. Have I really been listening to this album for nearly 30 years!? Track recommendation: Kiss from a Rose (of course)

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