Good At Falling by The Japanese House

Good At Falling

by The Japanese House

This album has been added to 1 private list and 2 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from 001 january 2024 list

    001 january 2024


    01/14/24 ✌︎ i dont care… just a sneak peak into my completely dull apathetic mind…

  • Montage of album covers from Spring 2023 list

    Spring 2023

    Greg Moore

    I don't know why The Japanese House's sound is so cathartic for me but here I am again with this album on repeat. What I do know is their music resonates with the excitedly optomistic part of me that's still unsure about how other people's brains work. We're all still figuring life out. Track recommendation: Maybe You're the Reason

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