The Very Best Of by The 5th Dimension

The Very Best Of

by The 5th Dimension

This album has been added to 1 public list:

  • Montage of album covers from The Ars Nihil Fundamentals list

    The Ars Nihil Fundamentals

    Alex Bemish

    When my parents drove me to things as a kid, we always had WBIG-FM on in the car, so I grew up with a steady diet of oldies from the 50s to early 70s (this is when WBIG was Oldies 100 and not the current classic rock format it changed around 2006). This album is actually a placeholder for the very first CD I ever bought with my own money: The 5th Dimension's Greatest Hits on Earth. I still love The 5th Dimension, by the way...

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