Aladdin Sane (2013 Remaster) by David Bowie

Aladdin Sane (2013 Remaster)

by David Bowie

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    David Bowie

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    Even while he was in the middle of a tour with the Spiders From Mars, Bowie was keen to move on from his Ziggy persona. This album saw him transform into Aladdin Sane with the iconic lightning bolt makeup and name alluding to his fear of the schizophrenia that his brother had suffered from.

    The sound also noticeably changed with the addition of pianist Mike Garson, giving this album a mix of hard rock, glam, soul, experimental avant-garde jazz and Brechtian opera. I was lucky enough to see Mike Garson playing this album in full a couple of years ago and he really is an astonishing pianist.

    The lyrics also push the boundaries particularly the bit about falling wanking to the floor on Time. I remember being in our local Co-Op where they would allow the staff to play their own choices over the in store speakers and somebody picked this album - can’t go wrong with cuddly old David Bowie, right? - but they’d evidently forgotten about this one!

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