Pink Friday by Nicki Minaj

Pink Friday

by Nicki Minaj

This album has been added to 3 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from 2010 rankings list
  • Montage of album covers from Listening list



    "It’s fun, mostly upbeat, full of interesting sounds and words, and (most importantly) I actually looked forward to firing it up for repeat listens."

    –Listening notes (January 2024)

  • Montage of album covers from High School Never Dies list

    High School Never Dies

    Dan Stein

    This album is pure fun and also includes some great lyricism incredible delivery. I'd loved hip hop for years, but it was so refreshing to a) hear it from a woman and b) not include the misogyny and homophobia that all other major rappers at the time were pushing.

    Except for that stupid Eminem verse.

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