Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage: 1982-2011 by R.E.M.

Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage: 1982-2011

by R.E.M.

This album has been added to 1 public list:

  • Montage of album covers from Representative Songs From My Teenage Years (1980-1987) list

    Representative Songs From My Teenage Years (1980-1987)


    REM is probably one of my favorite bands of all time. I followed their entire career all the way until they broke up in 2011. This is from their very first full length album, which I bought the week it came out in 1983. People used to make fun of them because you can barely understand a word he says. He has said in interviews that there are lyrics that he, himself, doesn't know! They started off as a dark underground band and grew to be world conquerers much later.

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