Cousin by Wilco


by Wilco

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    Best, Favorite, & Most Interesting Albums Of 2023

    Mark Harrison
    • Genre: Alternative rock.

    • Influenced by: John Cale, John Lennon, Neil Young, Brian Wilson, Miles Davis, John Coltrane.

    • Similar artists: Billy Bragg, Son Volt, The War On Drugs, My Morning Jacket.

    • About this album: Knock, knock. Who's There? An eclectic, sometimes weird, sometimes challenging, mid-tempo, breathy album that features a bunch of songs previously left incomplete for a number of years? So, yeah. A Wilco album. One of two albums released this year by the divorced parents of Uncle Tupelo (Son Volt shows up elsewhere on this list). After a short detour back into their country-influenced roots via last year’s Cruel Country double album, Cousin sees Wilco back in their more familiar progressive and experimental rock territory. Adding a unique and new element to the recording process is the attachment of Welsh singer/songwriter Cate Le Bon as producer—the first time an outside producer has been used by the band in more than two decades, since Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.

    • Metacritic score: 82 (Universal Acclaim).

    • Grammy Nominations: None.

    • Song To Sample: Evicted.

  • Montage of album covers from 2023 Favorites list
  • Montage of album covers from 2023 list

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