by Sufjan Stevens
This album has been added to 3 private lists and 11 public lists:
Sufjan Intro
I'm including this because it's his most recent record. I think it's fantastic. It may not be his actual peak product, but it's worth knowing that he can still write amazing music.
Best Albums 2023
I cried fr - Low 9
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Net weer beluisterd. Dit blijft zo'n prachtig album! Mooie, intieme liedjes waarbij het kippenvel al weer snel op mn armen staat. Doet het ook goed als kerstsfeertje.
Best New To Me Of 2023
This is the best album of 2023, IMO. It doesn't really break a lot of ground in Sufjan's discography, but the songs are irresistible. I would say this is probably his fourth best album overall; however, in Sufjan's case, that's not an insult, it's a compliment. I love Javelin, and I wish Suf the best of luck with his recovery and grief.
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