A Whole Fucking Lifetime of This by American Pleasure Club, Teen Suicide

A Whole Fucking Lifetime of This

by American Pleasure Club, Teen Suicide

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    A Whole Fucking Lifetime of This by American Pleasure Club is just delicious. I love Sam Ray's projects so much. Even though my favorite songs are from i will be my own hell because there is a devil inside my body, A Whole Fucking Lifetime of This has hit after hit, just consistent goodness. The sound of this album is a little different than Teen Suicide, but I love to hear it! My favorite track is this is heaven & id die for it, I have a personal connection to it.

    Side note, went to see Teen Suicide live over the summer in El Rey Theatre and had a blast! I wish they played some American Pleasure Club songs, new years eve would have been so fun to hear live!

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