The Court (In-Side Mix) by Peter Gabriel

The Court (In-Side Mix)

by Peter Gabriel

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  • Montage of album covers from 2023 Concerts list

    2023 Concerts


    Tuesday, October 3 | I was so excited to be able to see Peter Gabriel in concert…finally. It is quite amazing that a singer in his 70s is able to continue hitting the notes he has always hit. I find that to be exceedingly rare. It was a marathon of a concert, and his endurance was tested at times, but overall he was great. The band was impeccable as well.

    It is wild to me that Gabriel went on tour without a complete release of his newest album! He has been releasing songs from the album upon every new moon throughout 2023. He was playing almost all, if not actually all, of the new songs from his upcoming album. Thankfully for our show all but three of the songs had been released, so I had some familiarity with the new music. The new music is great and you should give it a listen!

    setlist | Apple Music playlist

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