How Lost by The Fauns

How Lost

by The Fauns

This album has been added to 2 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from Winter 2023-24 list

    Winter 2023-24

    Greg Moore

    I can't stop listening to this amazing album! I've apparently heard single tracks from The Fauns before, sprinkled into playlists, but never stopped to give them a proper listen. I was missing out on some of the most innovative shoegaze being made today. Recommended Track: Shake Your Hair

  • Montage of album covers from Jan 2024 - Albums I have listened to list

    Jan 2024 - Albums I have listened to

    Pete Brown

    I know it is early still, but I think I have already found a potential candidate for my favorite albums of the year.

    I have listened to this album three or four times over the last few days and I still find myself wanting to go back to it and listen some more. I find it to be a near-perfect mix of shoegaze/dream pop and electronic textures and I love it.

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