Fake Train by Unwound

Fake Train

by Unwound

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  • Montage of album covers from May 2024 - Albums I have listened to list

    May 2024 - Albums I have listened to

    Pete Brown

    I have always been tangentially aware of this band but had never really listened to them. I have been a bit of a post-hardcore binge this last week or two, though, and they keep popping up in my recommendations. I figured I should check them out.

    This album is good. It's a bit like if Fugazi got a bit angrier and harder. I also appreciate the degree to which the album straddles the line between hardcore and post-hardcore. There are a few tracks that are pretty straight-ahead punk/hardcore but then a bunch that stretch things out a bit without ever tipping over into full-on math rock.

    I think I shall be exploring the rest of their catalog once I am done with this album.

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