Pull by Arcwelder


by Arcwelder

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  • Montage of album covers from June 2024 - Albums I have listened to list

    June 2024 - Albums I have listened to

    Pete Brown

    This one came up in my recommendations feed. Arcwelder is yet another one of those bands that I have always been aware of but had never actually listened to.

    I like it on first listen. It bears a lot of similarity to Hüsker Dü which makes sense, given that these guys came out of the late-80s Minneapolis rock scene. The vocals are quite reminiscent of Bob Mould, but the music is not quite as frenzied. I appreciate that. Hüsker Dü is great but I sometimes find their albums to be a bit crazy-making.

    While I would not call this album essential listening, it's pretty good. I think that is fine—not every album (or band) has to be a classic or ground-breaking.

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