by Eric Matthews
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Seven Songs for the Week #46
Some songs never go away, and this is one of them. The Chart Show was a Saturday lunchtime staple on ITV in the late 80s and into the 90s. I don't think it gets enough credit for unleashing certain musics on the world, possibly because it was solely a show driven by music videos and charts with no host. Because it didn't have the Top of the Pops adherence to playing stuff from the charts (although that lessened on TOTP over the years), The Chart Show could play advance releases and premiere videos, it would also play murky records from the Indie charts. So when it played Fanfare as a new release premiere, it stuck out like a sore thumb. It still does. I had to buy the album to hear the song, I don't think I could tell you much more about the album than it starts with this song, and then you can hit "back" and listen to the song over and over. BBC 6 Music still plays it every month. This week it popped on off a playlist I was playing and the other half asked "what's that?!?" (in a good way) so this song is still doing it's thing.
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