Dazed and Confused
by Jake Holmes
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Seven Songs for the Week #51 - 27th Mar 24
Since I've been listening to a lot of LedZep recently, I've been reading about Zep and bought Mick Rock's bio which is a hugely frustrating book and would not recommend. Anyways, for the longest time I know of Jimmy Page/Zep's tendency to rewrite songs as their own but usually in the pretence of them being derivations of derivations of the blues. What I didn't know was that they were just lift contemporary songs written by peers, and such is the case with Dazed & Confused. It took until 2010 for Jake Holmes to get his credit/money. Which seems crazy. Jake Holmes has done well for himself, he wrote the "Gillette? The Best A Man Can Get!" jingle which on French tv goes "Gillette! La perfection au masculin!" which is funny. The whole album is great, by the way.
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