Funeral For A King by Stygian Crown

Funeral For A King

by Stygian Crown

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  • Montage of album covers from June 2024 - Albums I have listened to list

    June 2024 - Albums I have listened to

    Pete Brown

    This album came out earlier this year and I listened to it once. Then I sort of forgot about it, not due to any failings of the music but more because I was listening to a ton of new stuff at the time and it just got lost in the mix. That is one of the downsides of listening to a lot of music, I guess.

    It turned up in my recommendations again today, though, and I remembered kind of liking it so I decided to give in another spin.

    And you know what? It's pretty good! Kind of doomish but with some pretty fast and heavy parts too, and excellent Dickinsonian vocals over the top. Is it the best metal album I've heard? Certainly not, and I'm not sure it would even make my top 5 for the year so far. It might be in the top 10, though, and even if it's not, it's still pretty good and definitely worth a listen.

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