Miracle Goodnight
by David Bowie
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Seven Songs for the Week #62
The first Bowie album I bought when it came out. The first album of "The Grand Reset" wherein Bowie sets himself up for the rest of his career. It's possible to see the last two albums - The Next Day & Blackstar - as somehow separate, but I don't believe that. If you were into Bowie in the 90s, as I was, then those albums were just continuations. The Next Day and Blackstar get the kudos because the world had caught up with Bowie, we were desperate to hear from him, and, most importantly, he kept radio silence throughout. 90s Bowie had an odd ubiquity where he'd pop up on Top of the Pops or TFI Friday and the secret sauce that was his mistique in the 1970s was non-existent. His music is better served by appearing as some kind of communique, and without the support of a whacky appearance on Comic Relief.
The video for this song is a gem. He looks amazing. He is in a range of costumes. He's doing full-on mime and dance. There's spoken word bits. How it wasn't a huge hit is a mystery - probably it was just odd enough to put people off.
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