Celestial Blues

by King Woman

This album has been added to 2 public lists:

  • Hed Phone Sex by Funki Porcini UNDER THE INFLUENCE by Ecstatic Vision FOR THE MASSES by ECSTATIC VISION Peloton by The Delgados

    Wat zullen we nu weer eens draaien......



    Hard to look at artwork but a very good album....


  • Lead Me On by Amy Grant Beyond Belief by Petra Jars Of Clay by Jars Of Clay Upbeats & Beatdowns by Five Iron Frenzy

    20 Albums That Influenced Me

    Buffy Leigh

    This is the last in my list's (un)holy trilogy of albums from 3 amazing women. Kris Esfandiari came from a similar religious background as me, and uses her music to deal with it. While Lingua Ignota's religious imagery doesn't make me uncomfortable because she's actually singing about issues I don't connect to, with this album, I hear my past with every note. I'm quite thankful it has an ugly element to it, tbh.

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