Odds, Sods And Dirtclods

by Doc Wör Mirran

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  • Moddergat by It Dockumer Lokaeltsje Irreversible Entanglements by Irreversible Entanglements The Dreaming by Howlin' Magic Ambiless by Doc Wör Mirran

    Sonic World Wonders Part 1


    A three LP boxed set by Doc Wör Mirran with the players: Joseph B. Raimond, Bernard Worrick, Ralf Lexis, Peter Schuster, Denise Kusiak, Michael Wurzer, Rich Ferguson, Adrian Gormley, Emil Beaulieu, Frank Abendroth, John Mervin, Jello Biafra, Jeandra Raimond, Donna, Uwe Witzke, Nao Ishimaru, Dave Fanning, Joolie, John Eberly, Allen Shain, Joe Red, Frans De Waard

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