Ode to Liberty (The Protest Song)
by Phil Lynott
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Seven Songs for the Week #73 - 28th Aug 24
Phil would've been 75 last week. In Dublin, he is still a presence. I quite like his second solo album as he tries on loads of different pop styles and is quite adept at all of them. On this track he is joined by Mark Knopfler and to my ears Phil has decided that this is what Dire Straits songs are like and the whole thing sounds like Phil almost taking the piss doing a DS knock-off. If you expand that thought, you could imagine Phil in a parallel universe finding his groove in the mid-eighties delivering a track like Money For Nothing or So Far Away. Brothers In Arms would have been so much better if it was a Phil Lynott album!
Alas this is near the end of the road for Phil, he would only release one more record in his lifetime, 1983's Thin Lizzy Swan Song Thunder & Lightening. 14 albums in 12 years from one man reeks of bad management and he just wasn't minded. I remember his death in 1986, and it is so sad how people saw him as washed up at the time. He was 36.
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