Right Said Fred
by Bernard Cribbins
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Seven Songs for the Week #73 - 28th Aug 24
My wife and I were moving a table this week, true story, and I referenced this song. She had not heard of it, so annoyingly I had to rectify that. People need to know that Right Said Fred is not a dirty word!
I remember first seeing this song as a kid in the 1980s on an awesome tv show called Windmill. In a time pre-YouTube and pre-internet, the premise of Windmill was that Chris Searle the presented would raid the BBC archives in Windmill House and show funky old clips of songs and shows. This was a kids show! They showed a neat animated movie of this song, so much so that when the band of the same name appeared, I was in the know.
What's useful to note about this song is:
- It's from 1962
- It's in stereo, beautifully mixed
- There are expertly recorded and deployed sound effects
- It sets up a story, an audio movie of the mind ... so maybe it's not a surprise that this song was produced by George Martin on the Parlophone record label that he ran. The month this song was released what when he first got wind of The Beatles. He had the skills.
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