Goodbye Enemy Airship The Landlord Is Dead

by Do Make Say Think

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    "The second album by DMST captured the evolving and evocative sound of the band in all its newfound subtlety and sophistication. Recorded in an old wooden barn outside their hometown of Toronto, the album is swaddled in late-night, late-summer ambiance, maintaining an atmosphere of spontaneity and accident (along with the background sounds of chirping crickets) alongside the increased attention to composition in many of the pieces. While the record is bookended by the band’s inimitable psych-rock explosions and explorations, much of the material here is more reflective and experimental, with increased referencing of jazz influences (modal horn passages, chilled-out tempos) and a progressive command of studio techniques that yielded mixes abundant with sonic details and surprises. Electronics and effects are often deployed at micro-levels, placing strange static noises and bubbling textural flourishes in the soundstage which catch the corner of the eye/ear and encourage repeat listens (headphones strongly advised)." (Constellation release page)


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