Like The River Loves The Sea

by Joan Shelley

This album has been added to 1 public list:

  • Dives Headfirst Into Punk Rock 1978/79 by Smegma A Trip to Marineville by Swell Maps No Tape Outside by Snake & Remus Decatur by Silver Apples

    Sonic World Wonders Part 2


    It was that Lee Hazlewood Cowboy in Sweden record.

    It was learning that the Atlantic Ocean spreads by about an inch each year, pushing apart Europe and America.

    It was that Iceland sits on top of that bubbling ridge and gains strange new land by its spreading.

    It was the desire to drink in that otherworldly landscape and experience its effect in the music, the way different alcohols have different intoxicating effects on a body.

    It was those cheap flights advertised.

    It was that you had to leave home to see it for what it is, to frame it neatly: to miss a thing was to know its shape.

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