
by Kluster

This album has been added to 1 public list:

  • Dives Headfirst Into Punk Rock 1978/79 by Smegma A Trip to Marineville by Swell Maps No Tape Outside by Snake & Remus Decatur by Silver Apples

    Sonic World Wonders Part 2


    "Kluster was a short-lived project of three musicians/artists/performers: Dieter Moebius, Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Konrad Schnitzler. They recorded two albums in 1970, unprecedented in their experimental radicalism. Chaotic, apocalyptic (noise) improvisations, a sound later termed industrial music. Kluster disbanded as Moebius and Roedelius found the financial risk of bringing out a third album too daunting. Schnitzler decided to go ahead on his own, releasing the material they had recorded together, without any information or credits on the pure black LP sleeve. Moebius and Roedelius continued as a duo under the name of Cluster." (

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