You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To

by Marisa Anderson & Tara Jane O'Neil

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  • Dives Headfirst Into Punk Rock 1978/79 by Smegma A Trip to Marineville by Swell Maps No Tape Outside by Snake & Remus Decatur by Silver Apples

    Sonic World Wonders Part 2


    "TJ and I recorded these songs in her backyard studio in February of 2018. We’ve been friends and occasional collaborators for years, crossing paths and sharing stages and the timing was right to capture a certain moment. I was on my way back from Mexico, not quite ready to return to the grey skies of the Pacific Northwest, and to me these songs capture a bit of lazy California winter, crossing paths with a trusted friend, playing guitars and singing old songs. – Marisa Anderson

    Cole Porter and Gene Clark are among my favorite songsmiths and rendering their music during that warm midwinter of wildfires and aftermaths was perfect. Marisa and i have had an adventurous collaborative friendship, playing sonics and playing standards. The songs on this 7 inch are a cool continuation of our shared journey. – Tara Jane O'Neil"

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