A Trip to Marineville by Swell Maps

A Trip to Marineville

by Swell Maps

This album has been added to 1 public list:

  • Dives Headfirst Into Punk Rock 1978/79 by Smegma A Trip to Marineville by Swell Maps No Tape Outside by Snake & Remus Decatur by Silver Apples

    Sonic World Wonders Part 2


    Formed in 1972 in Birmingham, England, UK by brothers Kevin Godfrey (aka Epic Soundtracks) and Adrian Godfrey (aka Nikki Sudden). The lineup was completed with Richard Earl (aka Biggles Books), David Barrington (aka Phones B. Sportsman), John Cockrill (aka Golden Cockrill) and Stephen Bird (aka Jowe Head). After releasing two albums and four singles they disbanded in 1980. Stuff of legends.....

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