Dives Headfirst Into Punk Rock 1978/79

by Smegma

This album has been added to 1 public list:

  • Dives Headfirst Into Punk Rock 1978/79 by Smegma A Trip to Marineville by Swell Maps No Tape Outside by Snake & Remus Decatur by Silver Apples

    Sonic World Wonders Part 2


    An alternative listing for the Smegma – The Pigface Tape 1974. "In Pasadena, California on November 23, 1973, the musical group called Smegma humbly came into being. Despite having no formal art or music training, several friends decided to experiment with playing “real” music. We tried a ” band without musicians” concept, by allowing musicians only for special parts as needed. The only other rule was, “NO HIPPY MUSIC” or any other contemporary sounds. We developed our own “primitive suburban folk” approach and traditions. At first, we felt completely isolated. We were aware of the LA freak scene (Zappa, Captain Beefheart, Wild Man Ficher), but it was only a distant influence. John Cage, Harry Partch, Eric Dolphy, Sun Ra, Buckminster Fuller and many other great minds of previous generations were more influential than our peers.. (http://smegmamusic.com/site). The band is still active and you can hear the complete Pigface 1974 tape here: http://youtu.be/_7CEW8kgdnc

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