LAFMS boxset by pieter bos

LAFMS boxset

by pieter bos

This album has been added to 1 public list:

  • Connections (1970 - 1974) by Intermodulation First Album by The Fugs Touch Three by Phill Niblock Inventions for Radio - The Dreams (Original Radio Broadcast) by Barry Bermange, Delia Derbyshire, BBC Radiophonic Workshop

    ∞Out There For A Minute∞


    Finally found the courage to start with the Los Angeles Free Music Society (LAFMS) boxset. I have had it for more than a year, I know I love it but it's so massive....... LAFMS: The Lowest Form Of Music 10 cd boxset on Cortical Foundation RRRecords 1996. You can hear the first 3 cds in the YT playlist, just to tease your brain

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