Ella Fitzgerald - Everyone's Wrong But Me Vol 5 by Ella Fitzgerald

Ella Fitzgerald - Everyone's Wrong But Me Vol 5

by Ella Fitzgerald

This album has been added to 1 public list:

  • Inventions for Radio - The Dreams (Original Radio Broadcast) by Barry Bermange, Delia Derbyshire, BBC Radiophonic Workshop Music out of the Moon + Perfume Set to Music by Les Baxter Bauhaus - 1979-1983 Volume One by Bauhaus The Raga Guide by Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia

    ∞Out There For A Minute∞


    This great low-budget 10 cd box on Documents from 2005 has already been my home to work and back travelling companion for weeks.........Ella Fitzgerald is a gift that keeps on giving for sure.

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