More Moondog

by Moondog

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    "Whether intentionally or not, these brief pieces mirror the life of an itinerant, urban street musician that Moondog was living at the time. His rhythms are, as usual, dense and highly complex – even, impressively, when there’s just a single line being played. Most are in the five- or seven-beat metres that Moondog was so fond of. One piece of great significance on More Moondog is “Moondog Monologue”, which features the composer reciting his aphorisms and couplets over a layer of syncopated percussion. Dwarfing all other tracks at a whopping eight and a half minutes, it provides the first picture that many people got of Moondog as proto-beat poet, an image certainly enhanced by his flamboyantly outsider lifestyle, while highlighting the great importance he placed on his prose and poetry writing. Among the highly quotable lines that originated here are: “I do not dress as I do to attract attention/I attract attention because I dress as I do”." (The Wire, Moondog Primer April 2015 Issue 374)


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