Moondog 2 (Extended Version - Remastered 2000) by Moondog

Moondog 2 (Extended Version - Remastered 2000)

by Moondog

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    "Recorded two years later after Moondog 1, Moondog 2 is very different. It’s a realisation of Moondog’s The Art Of The Canon Book I, one of the printed collections of canons and rounds he’d been working on since the early 50s and selling from his Sixth Avenue post. The album was treated as a pop rather than a classical record by Columbia, and this was reflected not only in their promotion of it but also in the record itself. The instrumentation is stripped down and mostly of the electronic rock kind, albeit minus drum kit and with added virginal harpsichord (plus oo and trimba: one-two-three-FOUR-five). The record contains 26 short songs, most of them under two minutes. In Moondog 2’s sleevenotes, as elsewhere, Moondog emphasises that “rhythmically, I am considered to be in the present, even avant garde, while melodically and harmonically I am very much in the past”. And on the album he makes no attempt to hide his love of simple, tonal harmonies. But while, melodically, the tunes tend to be of the “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” kind, rhythmically (sung by many overdubbed voices, panned all over the stereo spectrum) they can get very complex indeed." (The Wire, Moondog Primer April 2015 Issue 374)


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