A New Sound Of An Old Instrument

by Moondog

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    “The organ has not been called the "King of Instruments" for nothing, because of all instruments it has the widest range of possibilities lending itself to any mood or style. In suffering the organ to emit secular and even profane music, namely dance music, I do not find it out of place, since I am fully aware of the organ ́s pagan beginnings, the pipes of Pan. The organ is capable of producing a percussive quality, provided the notes are played staccato, and more importantly, if the "spitting" flute stop is used. This stop is also known as "chiff", having almost the jazz sound of saxophones playing staccato. Especially in a large room with good acoustics. I think an organ can do anything a jazz band can do as good, if not better. Moreover, when it comes to long, sustained contrapuntal lines, the organ is unapproachable. The organ sounds good with or without percussion. I added percussion to most of the pieces, which are in the dance idiom.” (Louis T. Hardin)

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