Sax Pax For A Sax

by Moondog

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    “Moondog calls his saxophone project Sax Pax, underlining that in this case the saxophones are not to be linked with military bands for which the instruments originally had been intended, but are used exclusively for peaceful purposes.

    All the pieces are part of a series which Moondog calls ZAJAZ, "jazz" in two directions, like a Janus-head with two faces. There is one looking backwards into the past, represented by classical techniques of composing and the other face turned towards the future which is characterized by a new kind of combining old and new elements of music.

    Music which sounds like jazz, sometimes like real wild improvisations as in Present for the Prez., but is in fact classically conceived, written in the form of chaconne. Most of the pieces are written in canon form.

    The core of the ensemble, founded by the leading British saxophonist John Harle, are members of the Apollo Saxophone Quartet. Also involved were David Lord as producer, and other big names of British music world, like Peter Hammill, Andrew Davis, and Danny Thompson, the former Pentangle co-founder, whose contra bass, named Victoria, is especially featured on "D For Danny" which Loius Hardin dedicated to his long-time friend.

    The piano solos were played by Nicola Meecham, teacher at the Royal Academy Of Music.”

    Edited and reprinted from liner notes.


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