Volume 2

by Super Djata Band

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    The listed album is an alternative for the Zani Diabate & The Super Djata Band - S/T album from 1985/1988 (here's that album http://youtu.be/akW8fh-YMxs).

    The Super Djata Band belongs in my book of the greatest African Bands of all-time on the same page as Bembeya Jazz National. And the page of that book is page number 1. Zani Diabaté (died 4th January 2011) was a musician, guitar player from Bamako, Mali. He became a member of the Ballet National in 1963 and founded the Super Djata Band in 1969 in Bamako, Mali. The Super Djata Band music was based on the traditional rhythms and melodies of the Hunters and Fishermen of the Bambara people of southern Mali. Zani Diabate injected this with his truly amazing explosive psychedelic guitar work and an unique sense of composition. Which resulted in a High Energy Electric Fusion band with complex driven rhythms. He never accuired the fame, here in our western world, as some contemporaries. Maybe because his rawer music didn't fit in the so-called "World Music" coffeebar scene, that got real big with smoother productions. His music was always bubbling a bit underground. But in recent years there was some sort of a minor revival of the Super Djata music thanks to some reissues on for example The Numero Group. The album listed here was first released on the "Milady Music" label in 1985 and got a more global release a few years later on the bigger "Mango" label. The album made some waves here in the Netherlands thanks to an explosive concert they gave, I think it was this concert in the Melkweg 1987 https://youtu.be/_oE9pudY4T4 it was also broadcated on dutch radio if my memory serves me well. Other folks we hear on this album that made some more great music later on, that I know of, are: On bass Abou Camara who became a major player in the Dutch African music scene in the nineties with for example the great Benkadi International band. Also from later Benkadi International fame and all around great singer is Idrissa Magassa. We hear him on vocal duties here together with the amazing Alou Fané (who's "Kamalan N'goni - Dozon N'goni" album on Dakar Sound from 1994 is also in the 1001 Other Albums List)

    While writing this I played the album 3 times in a row. And it's still as great as since I heard it the first time in 1987. A real timeless masterpiece.


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