by Ecstatic Vision

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  • Hed Phone Sex by Funki Porcini UNDER THE INFLUENCE by Ecstatic Vision FOR THE MASSES by ECSTATIC VISION Peloton by The Delgados

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    ECSTATIC VISION unleash UNDER THE INFLUENCE, a collection of six RAW, FUZZY, PSYCHEDELIC slabs of COSMIC ROCK. UNDER THE INFLUENCE sees the band covering tracks by some of their biggest influences; The stoner doom sounds that came out of ZAMBIA in the early/mid 70s that is known as ZAM ROCK, the godfathers of space-rock HAWKWIND, and the early kings of Detroit rock n' Roll THE MC5, all delivered with ECSTATIC VISION's signature bone crushing, blown-out in-all-the-right-ways recording style.. (from the Bandcamp release page)


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