Automatic For The People (2017 Remaster) by R.E.M.

Automatic For The People (2017 Remaster)

by R.E.M.

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  • The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady by Charles Mingus Pink Moon by Nick Drake Automatic For The People (2017 Remaster) by R.E.M. Get Behind Me Satan by The White Stripes, Jack White


    Neil Hopkins

    This is another album inspired by turning thirty, although with REM their songs tend to the wistful and abstruse rather than gloominess. The opening track Drive sets the tone for the album with sparse acoustic guitars blossoming into a stunning string arrangement from John Paul Jones from Led Zeppelin. The remastered atmos mix also shines here, sounding intimate and epic at the same time. The highlight is still Stipe’s Elvis impression on Man in the Moon.

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