Time On My Hands
by Ringo Starr
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Seven Songs for the Week #81 - 23rd Oct 24
Speaking of T-Bone Burnett. A while back, Ringo asked him for a song and instead he wrote him an album. A new country album from Ringo has been long-requited by fans. This isn't a Beyoncé-style move, country music permeates Ringo's work with the Beatles and his second solo album in 1970, Beaucoup of Blues, was ahead of its time by being a genre record before people did such things (11 Years later Elvis Costello is hailed as a genius for doing the same thing).
This song is lovely. Gentle production, some great drumming from Ringo with that snare between the third & fourth beat, and his sonorous voice suiting the George Jones styling. Proper country!
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