Friend Of A Friend
by The Smile
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Seven Songs for the Week #83 - 6th Nov 24
I used to be totally plugged into the world of Radiohead: buy the albums on the day they came out, go see them live, they were a band for the ages. The drift away was slow. I was busy when In Rainbows happened, as acclaimed as it is, I never connected with it. The King Of Limbs was most memorable for me becuase I was leaving London after 7 years and went to a release event at the Rough Trade East record store. Two newspapermen arrived and started handing out a unique King of Limbs newspaper - one was Stanley Donwood, who I didn't recognise at the time, and the other was Thom Yorke. Thom stayed for over two hours handing papers out to fans and saying hello. This was just before the era of the selfie, however I did have a video camera with me and I filmed the day and got a picture with Thom. Didn't listen to King of Limbs, skipped A Moon Shaped Pool and now it's The Smile. I very much liked Zero Sum from the recent album. My wife bought the Wall of Eyes album earlier this year, stuck it on the shelf and forgot about it. I found it and gave it a spin. It's very good and needs many more spins, but it's a grower. (Sidepoint: If you look at Stanley Donwood's wikipedia entry, his picture is from the same day I met them.)
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