by Father John Misty
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2024 folk, best album of 2024
Best, Favorite, & Most Interesting Albums Of 2024
- Genre: Baroque pop, indie folk.
- Influenced by: Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Viagra Boys, Frank Sinatra.
- Similar artists: Fleet Foxes, St. Vincent, Big Thief, Bon Iver, Mazzy Star.
- About this album: The album is described as a decadent celebration of culture, with a narrator(Josh Tillman in the role of Father John Misty) who is aware that the world is corrupted and the line between truth and fiction is thin. The album's title comes from the Sanskrit word mahāśmaśāna, which means "great cremation ground.” As should be expected from a Father John Misty album, musical styles are all over the map, but it has 100 percent less swing than “Chloë and the Next 20th Century.” Still. Think folk rock meets orchestral jazz.
- Metacritic Score: 86 (universal acclaim).
- Grammy Nominations: None.
- Song To Sample: . The title track to be sure. “Mental Health” and “I Guess Time Makes Fools Of Us All” are also great listens.
- Trivia Bonus: “Mahashmashana” comes across to me as an apparent homage of sorts to the song “Death of a Ladies’ Man” from the infamous Leonard Cohen album of the same name, released in 1977 to universal confusion. It was a hodgepodge of crazy ideas thrown onto an album because Phil Spector literally held a gun to Leonard Cohen’s head to force the later to produce a record (no, seriously – Google it). To my knowledge, it was the only time that Cohen and Dylan featured together on an album. Allen Ginsberg also sang backing vocals, because reasons. The late 1970s were completely insane.
A minha lista de melhores álbuns de 2024
- Father John Misty, Mahashmashana
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