The Stygian Rose by Crypt Sermon

The Stygian Rose

by Crypt Sermon

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    Jan/Feb 2025

    Pete Brown

    I was going to push back on Apple Music's inclusion of this album on a "Doom" list, but a few tracks in, I can see where they are coming from. It may not be as slow and dirge-like as a lot of music that typically gets categorized as doom, but it has a weight and somberness even to the faster tracks.

    I listened to The Stygian Rose when it first came out last year, but then kind of forgot about it. That is not a judgement on the album itself—I am really enjoying it this time around—but I think rather a product of just how many great metal albums came out last year. The title track and "Heavy Is the Crown Of Bone" are a few of the stand-outs for me, but the whole album is pretty great.

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