by Amos Lee
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- Genre: Baroque pop, folk, jazz, soul.
- Influenced by: Chet Akins, Lucinda Williams, Bob Dylan, Bill Withers.
- Similar artists: Ray LaMontange, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson.
- About this album: Lee hits the high notes on Transmissions, an album all about middle age, love, and being present in the moment. Lee's lyrics address topics such as death, aging, and love. A couple of the songs were inspired by the loss of a close friend. Lee variously channels his musical inspirations and does a dead-on impression of early Dylan on “Built To Fall" (with a touch of Springsteen thrown in for good measure). Lucinda and Chet are primary inspirations, but there are also shades of The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and Noah Gunderson.
- Metacritic Score: NA. Album Of The Year has it at 80.
- Grammy Nominations: None.
- Song To Sample: "Built To Fall" for the Dylanesque-ness, but there are a lot of really nice tunes on here.
- Trivia Bonus: Amos was born Ryan Anthony Massaro and, before pursuing music full-time, worked as an elementary school teacher. He adopted the stage name "Amos Lee" because he was tired of people mispronouncing his real name. I’ve seen Amos Lee perform live a few times, including a banger of a show in Chattanooga, Tennessee at Rhythm and Brews, which is now (very sadly) permanently closed. Saw some great shows at that venue.
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