Brilliant Adventure
by David Bowie
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Seven Songs for the Week #92 - 8th Jan 25
I have been thoroughly enjoying the 1992-2001 Brilliant Adventures box set that I picked up on vinyl around Black Friday. Even though I have all the records on CD, they sound really good in this box, and it's been good to sit down and take them all in.
If you remember the joy that surrounded DB's return in 2013, the truth is that if any of the preceding three albums to The Next Day had been what came out in 2013, they would be more celebrated. When 'hours...' came out, DB was still being taken for granted, turning up one TFI Friday and plugging his single. Listening in 2025, this one has aged quite well. In particular this track, tucked away on the middle of side two and edited out of a spontaneous jam with Reeves Gabrels, is 100% in that wistful/eerie wheelhouse of Bowie instrumentals from the late 1970s. But because it's here, you'd miss it.
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