Mood Valiant by Hiatus Kaiyote

Mood Valiant

by Hiatus Kaiyote

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    2023 Concerts


    Tuesday, April 25 | Haitus Kaiyote is a band I didn't think I'd ever see live. Being from Australia, my perception is that they don't tour too often in the United States, and probably not too often in Minnesota.

    I had things to learn, however, because lead singer Nai Palm talked several times about Prince's affection and support for the band. Minnesota maybe isn't a destination for them, but it's on their radar. Especially First Avenue, made famous in Purple Rain, where this concert took place.

    The band was all in on stage, with the rhythm section being particular standouts in their acid rock/jazz/R&B performance. A sold-out crowd enjoyed, including a happy man next to us who basically walked by and happened in without having ever heard of Haitus Kaiyote before.

    I'm beginning to think that First Avenue isn't a great venue to hear music. The mix was all over the place, with the three backup singers being hardly noticeable while the piano was super hot. Nai Palm's vocals were hard to hear at times, and certainly not as excellent as I'm used to on the albums. Especially her lower register, which was hardly audible in the mix. Perhaps it was the specific sound mixer, but I suspect the venue itself is just hard to deal with acoustically.

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