Red Balloon by Tank And The Bangas

Red Balloon

by Tank And The Bangas

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    2023 Concerts


    Thursday, April 20 | Smart to open the show with a reggae band on 4/20. The ganga was out, and the crowd was chilled on Discovery Green, downtown Houston.

    We were there for our kid's World robotics competition at the nearby convention center, so this was a happy accident to finally see Tank and the Bangas live. They did not disappoint, putting out a ton of energy and lots of fun. The crowd was not über fans by any means, but they were still game to participate for the most part.

    Sadly we had an early wakeup call for the next day and did end up leaving about 80 minutes into their performance. Not something I like to do, but the body must be tended to and cared for.

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