top ween

ween’s best studio albums

  1. ween’s best debut album has some of my favorite tracks

  2. Ween

    everything you’ve heard about this album is true

  3. Ween

    lucky #3 so you know it has to be some top shelf ween

  4. three classic masterpieces may have come before it but this is where it all started

  5. 1 album, 10 songs, 12 greats

  6. hey little boy, what ya got there? kind sir it’s the most fully realized album ever recorded by the legendary band ween

  7. any album with “the grobe” is grade-A prime ween. white pepper is no exception.

  8. Ween

    ween at their best, yet again

  9. is this a studio album? who cares. it’s fantastic

  10. i know what you’re thinking, and you’re right. another certified ween banger.

top ween is an album list curated by Benny.

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