My Current Rotation - May 2023

  1. I've been playing FTL again and I feel bad that I forgot how good the soundtrack is. I'm tempted to call it atmospheric, but it captures so well the vacuum of space that it would be contradictory.

  2. Matthew Halsall

    Recommendation from a trusted friend. Classy trumpet-led jazz from Manchester. Makes me sad I didn't know them when I lived there :(

  3. I love the trance this trio puts me into. The new single gives me Westworld vibes in the best way possible.

    They are doing something to the piano on this album. I don't know what it is, but it sounds amazing.

  4. Lee Morgan

    Perennial classic. Irresistible bops.

My Current Rotation - May 2023 is an album list curated by Mauro.

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