New-to-me 2024 (Q1)

All (or most) of the albums I'm giving a first listen in 2024

  1. The Smile

    Very happy to see that this lives up to the potential of a new Yorke/Greenwood thing. You can really feel it as an extension of Radiohead (but especially earlier Radiohead).

  2. Tatsuya Kitani

    To me he's a bass superstar first, a pop star second, but either way he's kicking ass these days. Good sparkly J-Pop, though I'd love it if he threw down some of his exceptional bass lines on here as well.

  3. Stoney Swedish rockers up to their normal stuff. They haven't exactly innovated over the years, but good rock is good rock.

  4. Chastity Belt

    A good contemporary indie band I've only recently learned about. I'm still getting through their catalog really. The genre is very much alive and I'm about it.

  5. Descendents

    Not much to say about it. Another classic I was way behind on. Legends for a reason.

  6. Park Bird

    I've always enjoyed Park Bird's max-chill vibey stuff, but I admire that he's going in a more structured, dynamic direction on this.

  7. An intriguing and impressive new artist. To paraphrase Evelyn Waugh, Not all they can do, not all they will do, but truly something exciting.

  8. A legendary thing that few people seem to actually listen to or talk about. But good mid-90s early emo stuff. Not the height the genre achieved, but very good.

  9. Green Day

    An impressive pastiche of rock styles of the past several decades. Green Day have still got it. Actually it's more like they've got it again, not much of their 21st C stuff has really impressed me much.

  10. Sleater-Kinney

    More classic-artist-recent-album stuff! Honestly my favorite Sleater-Kinney record in a long while at this point.

  11. Tower Of Power

    The beginnings of one of the best there is! No resisting the power of classic funk.

  12. Cosmic Analog Ensemble

    Some wild new stuff. Really cool, if slightly samey by the end.

  13. Louise Post, Veruca Salt

    Digging into late-career stuff from Veruca Salt's Louise Post. This format is one of the themes I'm trying to go with in this adventure. This is a good but not necessarily great one. Still evokes the vibe of 90s alternative in a good way.

  14. The Jesus Lizard

    A first-time with a classic experimental band I hadn't explored before and the kickoff to my 2024 new-albums endeavor. More than half a year in, and now I feel like I need to go back to this one. I liked it but I wasn't ready.

New-to-me 2024 (Q1) is an album list curated by Mike Clauss.

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